My first real effort in photographing Dutch birds
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Ever since I had a serious telephoto lens I wanted to try bird photography. This is now a couple of years, but I really never got into it, or at least tried it. Now having more experience with shooting with long telephoto lenses and more comfortable with the new Fujifilm setup it is time to have a go.
For now I use my Fujifilm X-T2 and the Fujinon XF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR, mostly without the 1.4x tc. However the teleconverter surprised me in sharpness and autofocus response. Obviously, you will end up at an aperture of F8, so you need a decent amount of light to get fast shutter speeds. For now, this setup will do just fine. Who knows, maybe Fujifilm will release a (sort of affordable) 400mm F2.8 lens.
So here are the first tries. So will this be a new series? Do not know yet, ...
European goldfinch (Putter)
European goldfinch (Rietzanger)
White wagtail (Witte kwikstaart)
Black-tailed godwit (Grutto)
Barn swallow (Boerenzwaluw)
Barn swallow (Boerenzwaluw)